CLI usage & Commands

$ yarn yprox-cli <command> [arguments]

Common arguments

  • -v enable verbosity
  • --help display help
  • --mode to specify a mode

Assets and Entries filtering

  • --filter:X Y will filter entries where X === Y
  • --filter:X Y --filter:X Z will filter entries where [Y, Z].includes(X)

For example if you define the following asset:

// assets/app.js

  handler: 'css',
  src: 'src/CoreBundle/Resources/private/css/legacy.css',
  concat: 'legacy.css',
  dest: './public/css',
  handler: 'sass',
  src: 'src/CoreBundle/Resources/private/sass/grid.scss',
  concat: 'grid.css',
  dest: './public/css',
  handler: 'rollup',
  name: 'yprox-store-locator',
  src: 'src/StoreLocatorBundle/Resources/private/js/yprox-store-locator/index.js',
  concat: 'yprox-store-locator.min.js',
  dest: './public/js',

Then X can be one of these:

  • handler
  • name
  • src
  • concat
  • dest

If you run yarn yprox-cli build --filter:handler css, then entries will be filtered by CSS handler.

If you run yarn yprox-cli build --filter:handler css --filter:handler sass, then entries will be filtered by CSS handler or by Sass handler.

If you need to filter a entries by their asset's name, you can use _name filter, e.g.: yarn yprox-cli build --filter:_name app.



$ yarn yprox-cli build [arguments]
# Watch and build
$ yarn yprox-cli build --watch

# Lint before build, build is stopped if lint fails
$ yarn yprox-cli build --lint


Lint JavaScript and Sass code.

$ yarn yprox-cli lint [arguments]
# Lint and display errors if any
$ yarn yprox-cli lint

# Lint and automatically fix lint errors if possible
$ yarn yprox-cli lint --fix

For any reason if you don't want an entry to be linted, you can use skip_lint tag:

  // ...
  skip_lint: true